September Vibes! *sending love*

Hi there,

Can you believe it's the middle of September?!

Time has a graceful way of just dancing on by. It does not pause or stop nor does it have a button or switch to control it's flow - it flows - respectfully. It's up to you and I to make sure that in the mean time and in between time - we're doing our best to live our best life or very close to it.

This week I wanted to drop some love here and send you positive vibes for the week ahead. I'm willing you a happy, productive (in your own way), vibrant, opportunity filled week ahead.

If you aren't familiar with our NEW-ER scents browse around and see what resonates.

* Island Vibes - 7oz, Passion Flower - 7oz, Black Rose - 7oz. *

Passion Flower...

Black Rose...

Island Vibes - 7oz...

Here's a $2 discount code for you to experience one of our new JAR scents. The discount code is BLOG921 - it ONLY applies to our NEW-ER scents (JARS ONLY) - pictured above.  

$2 will be taken off each candle separately that you order.  So, if you buy 3 candles - you'll receive a $6 total discount. 

This code is active until Saturday, September 18th at 11:59 pm.

Stay Lit!🔥 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* I Become A Better Me Every Single Daily *

Here's an affirmation for you to say aloud or to yourself.

Be sure to feel it and believe it to be true.

You add power to the affirmation by feeling it, believing in it and speaking it. Light candles to your affirmations and speak them into the Universe - speak them out to Big GOD to Yourself.

I trust your week will be amazing just like you.

Peace Love & Light...




  • These candles are a whole vibe..they have my house smelling like Yassssssssss!!…

  • 🖤🖤🖤✨✨✨


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